
  • Ade Novita Ginting STIE Riau



The participation of budget arrangement, Job Relevant Information (JRI), job performance and job satisfaction


The purpose of the research to examine the role of job relevant information (jri) as an intervening variable on the effect participation of budget arrangement toward job performance and job satisfaction at pt. perkebunan nusantara v Pekanbaru. Job relevant information (jri) as an important variable in budgeting system. Population in this research are manager employee and organizing employee who participated in budget arrangement at pt. perkebunan nusantara V Pekanbaru.The researches give 200 questionnaires to all of pt. perkebunan nusantara V Pekanbaru. the total of returned  questionnaires is 130 questionnaires, after check it there are 5 questionnaires is failed. and 125 questionnaires that can be used in data processing. analyze the data by using path analysis. The results of this research supporting h1 and h2 that there is positive correlation and significance between participation of budget arrangement  toward job performance and job satisfaction. this research also supporting h3 dan h4 that processing of job relevant information (jri) as an intervening variable of job performance and job satisfavtion


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