Pengaruh Iklan Televisi Dan Label Halal Pada Produk Wardah Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Mahasiswi Universitas Baiturrahmah Padang)
Advertisement Television, Lawful Lable, Decision Of Purchasing, Product of WardahAbstract
Intention of this research is to analyst influence of Advertisement Television and Lawful Lable [of] product of wardah to Decision of Purchasing [at] Coed University of Baiturrahmah Padang.
This Research represent Quantitative research, Data which [is] used in this research [is] collected primary data from 94 responder [at] Coed University of Baiturrahmah Padang. With method of Probility Samling,Teknik data collecting the used [is] Kuesioner. Result of data analysis seen from result of test by parsial, coefficient and simultan of determinasi.
By parsial value of signifakan Advertisement Television ( X1) to Decision of Purchasing ( Y) equal to ( sig = 0,473 > 0,05), and value of t [count/calculate] Advertisement Television ( X1) 0,720 < 1,662 t of[is tables of, dapatb concluded [by] television advertisement [do] not have an effect on signifikan to decision of purchasing of product of Wardah [at] Coed University of Baiturrahmah Padang. Assess Lawful Lable signifikan ( X2) to Decision of Purchasing ( Y) equal to ( sig = 0,045< 0,05), and value of t Lawful Lable hutung ( X2) 2,036 > 1,662 t of[is tables of, can be concluded [by] lawful lable have an effect on signifikan to decision of purchasing of product of Wardah [at] Coed University of Baiturrahmah Padang.
Result of examination by simultan value of ( 0,014 < 0,05) F Â value 4,479 and F of[is tables of equal to 2,313.(Fhitung> Ftabel). Matter this means by together ( Variable television advertisement Simultan) and lawful lable have an effect on positive to decision of purchasing [at] Coed University of Baiturrahmah Padang. Later;Then result of determinasi koefisief equal to 0,70%, while the rest 99,3% influenced by other research variableÂReferences
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